
Cambly Inc.

Software Enginner Intern • May, 2023 — Aug, 2023

  • Developed and launched Tutor Recommendations and Student Dashboard V2 features, driving rapid adoption and boosting platform engagement.
  • Actively participated in daily meetings, addressed Jira tasks, and collaborated with product teams using Figma, emulating the responsibilities of a full-time engineer.
  • Crafted production-grade frontend components with React, Typescript, and Redux; integrated seamlessly with Flask APIs, MongoDB, and deployed using Docker and AWS.
  • Contributed to GitHub PR reviews, embraced the company's coding standards, and navigated the company's frontend library.

Suit & Tie Consulting

Software Enginner Intern • May, 2022 — Aug, 2022

  • Collaborated on the development of SaaS solutions for international school educators, harnessing React, JavaScript, Umi.js, Ant Design, the Django framework, and a MySQL database.
  • Enhanced the company's customer-facing pages with server-side rendering using Next.js, ensuring better SEO performance and user experience.


Northeastern University

M.S. Computer Software Engineering - Information Systems • Sep. 2021 — Dec. 2023

Nanjing Normal University

Bachelor of Arts in English • Sep. 2015 — Jun. 2019


E-Commerce Website (Full-stack)

Primary Developer • Mar. 2022 — May 2022

Established a full-stack responsive E-Commerce website with React, Django, and PostgreSQL. Implemented functionalities for user registration, cart, payments, rating, and review system. Utilized Redux to control application states and CSS media queries for advanced responsive design

Notes & To-do List Application (Full-stack)

Primary Developer • Oct. 2021 — Nov. 2021

SBuilt a single-page notes & to-do list application using JavaScript, React, Redux, and Node.js. Designed and implemented RESTful APIs and data models with MongoDB. Containerized services by Docker and deployed application on Heroku.